I also love the fact that this album is here and I have it in my hands. I'm a song and a half in and my heart is already swelling.
As previously reported, Scratch My Back is a collection of cover songs from artists like David Bowie, Arcade Fire, Bon Iver, and Radiohead.
What I wasn't aware of, is that this album is entirely orchestral - no guitars, no drums. As such it is beautiful, sweeping, lovely and dark. Gabriel has once again set the bar and done something brilliant, unique and cutting edge.
Even more exciting is the companion album that is set to follow this, in which the artists who Gabriel has covered will cover his songs. Needless to say, my mind is BOGGLING at what David Bowie will cover and if my mind and heart will be able to handle it.
And to top everything off, Gabriel will be performing the album live at only 3 venues in North America this spring. New York City, Los Angeles and Montreal... I believe I must attend, if only I can find someone who shares my passion for Peter that is willing to spend the money to get there - lord knows it will be worth it.
I'm still taking it all in - more to come.
1. | "Heroes" | David Bowie | |
2. | "The Boy in the Bubble" | Paul Simon | |
3. | "Mirrorball" | Elbow | |
4. | "Flume" | Bon Iver | |
5. | "Listening Wind" | Talking Heads | |
6. | "The Power of the Heart" | Lou Reed | |
7. | "My Body Is a Cage" | Arcade Fire | |
8. | "The Book of Love" | The Magnetic Fields | |
9. | "I Think It's Going to Rain Today" | Randy Newman | |
10. | "Après moi" | Regina Spektor | |
11. | "Philadelphia" | Neil Young | |
12. | "Street Spirit (Fade Out)" | Radiohead |
x&o - Miss A
My boyfriend and I were just lamenting how we wish we could afford tickets to one of his shows.
Hands-down it would be the best EVER, too bad they're like 500$ a pop or something ridiculous like that.
Peter Gabriel would be the best show EVER. Hands-down. Too bad the tix are like 500$ a pop, that'd be an amazing experience.
Where did you get that notion?
I bought my ticket for $125 and it's the second highest price point...
Montreal - April 28th I will be experiencing Gabriel's glory!
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