Monday, April 27, 2009

Bright and sunshiney day!

Wheee! I wore a skirt today - for the first time in a bazillion years! Bare legging it for the first time in 2009 feels so damn good. I must invest in more dresses.
Warm weather makes me moderately... dare I say it? HAPPY?!

Another thing that makes me happy is the Lollapalooza lineup. Finally a festival I can attend! 2009 shall not be a waste after all. I'm going to drive down to Chicago with a girlfriend or two, blaring 70's rock and roll the entire way - classic road trip. I cannot wait. LOU EFFING REED is playing!

I suppose this means I have to start working on the "bikini bod" again... I hate eating properly. Why can't a balanced vegetarian diet consist of cheese pizza and Coca Cola? I don't get it. Perhaps I never will. I have zero will power. As my darling Oscar Wilde says "I can resist everything except temptation." The man was wise.

One thing that DOES NOT make me happy is the lack of special features on The Wrestler DVD. According to the packaging the ONLY special feature is the Bruce Springsteen music video... THAT'S IT!??!?! Not even a theatrical trailer? Or an interview with Mickey?


1 comment:

Raymi Lauren said...

you went off gchat before i got to tell you that your outfit yesterday was slammin'